Louisa Smith
SER: June 14, 2023
Department of Health Sciences
The Roux Institute
Northeastern University
Frailty is a syndrome of vulnerability more common in older adults
A frailty index is a quantitative measure of the aggregate burden of age-related health deficits
FI = # of deficits / # of possible deficits
9.8% of 200,000+ participants had complete data
38% had data for >80% of deficits (>27/33)
Exclude those with any missing items
Adjust denominator (person-mean imputation)
Multiple imputation
Of individual items / total score
Throwing away a lot of data, strong assumptions
Different weighting across domains
Computationally intensive, still requires assumptions
Model how the distribution of missing data depends on missingness pattern
For example, a missingness pattern in which a given deficit is missing may be associated with a higher probability of that deficit
Can’t tell from the observed data – by definition we are missing the item in that missingness pattern
A simple model for a single variable with missingness:
\[ E[Y \mid R, X] = \beta_0 + \beta_1X + \color{IndianRed}{\delta} I(R = \color{SlateBlue}{r_0}) \]
where \(\color{IndianRed}{\delta}\) parameterizes how much different the distribution (expectation) of \(Y\) is in observations with missing data patterns where it is missing (\(\color{SlateBlue}{r_0}\))
The delta adjustment approach can be done in the context of multiple imputation, e.g., with MICE
With multiple missing variables, interpretation of sensitivity parameter \(\delta\) is different
For a given item \(Y\), we collapsed missingness patterns into:
Most items are binary
Standardized means seem more interpretable
Synthetic AoU dataset
Observations with missing data are quite different, but it’s not clear that reasonable non-random missingness makes any difference
Thanks to Chelsea Wong MD, Ariela Orkaby MD, Brianne Olivieri-Mui PhD